Edwards understands creating a uniform program is more than ordering stock styles. That’s why we offer a variety of ways for
you to add custom apparel to your program presentations. Play-on-Pattern or POP custom is created using existing Edwards
patterns and changing up the fabric, color and silhouette. POP custom design-to delivery makes creating uniform programs a
perfect solution.


Introducing Play-on-Pattern (or POP) Custom. Take an existing Edwards pattern,
change the fabric, enhance the silhouette, choose a different color - the possibilities are endless with our POP Custom Program.
It’s like taking a finished puzzle and just swapping out pieces - perfect for programs needing an enhancement or needing to go
to the next level. Contact your Edwards Territory Manager, and along with our Program Manager, let’s begin discussions of
adding POP Custom to your next program.

Minimums range from 300-600 depending on the COO of the POP Custom product. Order
requirements will apply.