Get to Know Edwards Garment – Distribution

Distribution Department

You may have ordered from us many times, or maybe you are thinking about it. Here at Edwards we are focused on giving you the best quality, service, and products when you order from us.

But what really goes on here? Surely, the items do not embroider, pack, label, and send themselves to your door. That would be very outrageous (but incredibly efficient).

There is a very unique and detailed process that makes every box from Edwards a journey in itself. 

In the next few weeks our blog will be focusing on a few of our employees, their departments, and what they do. Every aspect of Edwards would not run without the others. So before you receive your package lets go back all the way to the beginning…..

1) The items arrive at Edwards (yay!)
At all hours of the day Edwards is receiving our stock, from traditional chef pants, to clip on ties and everything in between. Below is a picture of your soon to be sent items.

2) Clothes are inspected
Next our lovely new stock is inspected. Detail and quality are very important to us. Just ask Ron and Sue! They know just how a product is supposed to look, feel, and be sewn together. Should there be a spot to put a pencil in a pocket? Is it truly a princess seam? Is the button secured tightly? Both inspectors know, and follow the specific qualification for each item. Finally the product can be put back into the box until the day it gets picked!

3) Your order is picked
You have placed your order and now we need to get it ready for you. Here at Edwards we have an entire warehouse that holds all of our stock. We then have our lovely picker named Jake. He goes through the warehouse and finds the style, size, color, and number of items you need. No matter how many there are! Jake can do up to 80 orders in a day. Go Jake!

4)Your order is packed
No hemming or embroidery on your items? It goes straight to packing. Reeka packs and makes sure all of your items are ready to go. She knows just the right size, number of boxes, and how to package everything so it fits perfectly in your box. It is then taped and labeled and set on the conveyor belt to be shipped out. Reeka will package up to 1800 items in one day.

5) Your order is shipped
Last but not least, we have Al, he loads your orders onto the truck so it can get to you! He sends off your package and is ready to unload the truck again, where the process will begin all over.

This is only a little part of what happens to your orders. Each person of our packing and shipping department are constantly moving to get your order out the door and to your business ASAP. So much goes into your order, and it starts right here. 

Want to see where your order is from start to finish? Tweet us when you place an order and we may be able to walk you through the process!