Community Giving – A Part Of Our Daily Life

Supported charities: 
Supplier Edwards Garment has been working with local nonprofit groups for more than 40 years and regularly supports over a dozen programs that make a positive impact. President and CEO Gary Schultz says, “Our goal is to assist local agencies in our community that impact the lives of youth and family members. We are committed to building and strengthening community bonds in a positive and supportive way. Our core values are built around heritage, compassion and humility which makes community outreach a part of our daily life.”

Program structure: 
Edwards has a foundation that organizes the funding for its philanthropic giving. However, financial support is only one leg of the Edwards commitment. The company works with local nonprofits to help attain their goals of financial support, social interaction and community engagement. An associate committee at the company meets regularly to review requests from nonprofits and to make recommendations on philanthropic events. Minutes from the meetings are distributed to the management group for review with employees and posted on bulletin boards throughout the company. If Edwards will be participating in a large event, Schultz will make an announcement at one of the monthly
meetings he holds with associates.

Community Giving Q&A with Taraynn – VP of Marketing:

What does giving back mean to Edwards Garment? 
Edwards encourages associates to actively engage with local nonprofits to build that strong community bond. For example, when the Salvation Army asked for garment donations for job seekers, employees responded with a large donation of career apparel. When Big Brothers/Big Sisters asked if Edwards wanted to participate in its bowling fundraisers, Edwards associates put six teams together to help raise funds for their programs. When Communities in Schools inquired if we had associates who could work with children on their reading skills, many Edwards employees stepped up to the challenge.

What advice do you have for other companies that want to start a charitable giving program?
Working with any community group takes time and commitment. Keep in mind that participation doesn’t always mean you need to raise funds for the local nonprofit. Many times just getting involved is all that is required. What has been the most unexpected result of your company’s giving program? Words can’t express the joy on people’s faces when they are committed to a cause that strengthens our youth, families and our community. It is infectious.